In theory: One puts two pieces of velvet on top of each other and does sew the 15 inch seam with a sewing machine in 1/2 a minute time, basting included.
In practice: One spends hours to put two pieces of velvet on top of each other and the slippery material (which must have been invented by the devil himself) does not even remotely stay where it is supposed to stay. No matter how careful one does arrange it and baste. Nerves are shattering. The cat does not dare coming near the room, where curses are discharged against the gods of fashion. One is tempted (with blood shot eyes) to get a hammer and nails and nail the two layers of fabric against the table before basting.
At the end one does finish the job without knowing why it did work on the 87th attempt and how the coffee finished up at the ceiling.
In theory: One transfers the embroidery design on the velvet and stitches sequin after sequin along the lines.
In practice: One askes oneself if a cape is worth risking a stroke?